
AOD rules

  AoD rules  1. Always follow rules  2. Ruins t7+ only, last person fill up ruins  3.To castle Push-Uos can apply any person which have already 3+ farms. Whoever don't have farms please don't apply. You can ask for help when you have already 70% of needed RSS.  4. Always listen your commander specially on TA, EA, EW, SA. Don't leave earlier than precised time or without permission to leave 5.Donate every time when you online  6.Do not put flags or people in without discussion with R4/R5  7. If join attacks remember to send infantry 20% is very minimum. No infantry= no join attacks  8.Join EA, EW if you online, even only to leave in main castle  9.If send out your army for any attacks stay online till end  10.If you offline 24h without let know R4/R5 you maybe kick out. Remember to give noticed of absence 11.Be polite, remember about manners, don't offend each other  12.If you won't push your power and castle, stay all time in one place you maybe ask to move to acade